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The Complete Reference: Ajax

The Most In-Depth Resource On Ajax

Changing the way Web sites are written, Ajax moves Web sites and applications from the slog of click and wait to a rich user experience rivaling desktop applications. Yet to fully to utilize Ajax, Web professionals must skillfully utilize JavaScript, design intitutive interfaces, and efficently utilize the network layer.  This comprehensive tome covers not only the basics of Ajax such as the XMLHttpRequest object, but alternate communication, data formats, networking consideration, user interface patterns, application architecture and much more. Utilizing a complete and functional Ajax library for teaching fundamentals, this book provides the deep understanding of Ajax that will serve readers for years to come.  This companion web site gives you easy access to some of the book's numerous examples as well as sample chapters. Get started improving your Ajax today!

The Complete Reference: Ajax by Thomas Powell
Ajax: The Complete Reference
By Thomas Powell
ISBN: 978-0-07-149216-4
654 pp.
Published: 2008
Ajax: The Complete Reference is the definitive resource tool for all things Ajax. Perfect for the seasoned developer or the curious novice, this book is loaded with informative example projects and design patterns."

Dag Schield
Adidas America